Seducing ladies to gender vs. Guarding girl from Sex | women Chase

Hello Alek.

I have noticed one thing in regards to women Chase as well as the attraction community as a whole.

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There appears to be lots of cognitive opinion and rational dishonesty within this space Re: “nymphos”.

See, within this space we show that women are human beings exactly like males and may consequently end up being liberated to take part in gender easily w/o reasoning.

In addition, the idea of “high human body count” is actually a low concern to you “lovers” unless searching for an LTR.

But the details show that “most” ladies are never indeed designed for casual gender. Most high n depend females either have personality problems, records of kid punishment, poor desire control or high intercourse drives.

Most of the time ladies barter gender for interactions and constant hookups the average chick without committment injuries their mind. This is why FWB girls occasionally get jaded and fed up with bare gender.

Discover a thought, if females like-sex really, exactly why cant they hold down an FWB arrangemnt in perpetuity like guys would rather?

Chase has also countered the debate that older seducers cannot corrupt younger women by screwing them young 18/19yo) because women have company and certainly will imagine on their own.

Yet we also embark on to say that ladies are sexy small smurfs who are in need of advice and direction. They are not the most effective decision makers particularly if young.

In a nutshell every one of these axioms we’ve got right here be seemingly rationalisations for “lovers” to screw ladies without suffering from guilt.

Plus one means I’m able to show this really is to request an article named “A Letter to my personal 18yo child” or sth along these contours offering her suggestions about ideas on how to manouver intimate relations as she goes to begin her first year in university.

Would you nevertheless tell your child that their okay to shag a sleek speaking guy regarding very first time if she feels the feeling?

Might you however inform her that human body number is a personal construct used by prudes and puritans? One nightstands tend to be perfectly okay.

Could you nevertheless allow their to be fucked by older dudes (30s) during the woman first year of college because older guy + younger chick is a totally typical thing to do?

I find it hard hard to fully embody the enthusiast archetype since it often clashes with the patriach archetype inside me personally just who thinks he could have a daughter eventually.

And I realize that this incredible website will not provide womens guidance because it is a males site for males however in this example saying that might be a simple cop out from addressing the disingenious character for the circumstances we instruct here Re: ladies and gender

Are you able to be a fan and a patriach without having cognitive dissonance?

Trillion Money Question.

Everyone loves this concern, and that I’d love to respond to it… very, while it might be dealt with to Alek, i would ike to weighin using my applying for grants it as well.



